Not so long ago, copyrights were held mostly by bohemians – composers, writers, and filmmakers. Today they are joined by millions of Internet users who do not want anyone to use the content they have created for their own purposes without permission. They don’t want to put up with it and are demanding that the violators be held accountable.
What are copyrights
An author is anyone who has created something. Copyrights can cover music, photography, literary work. With the advent of the Internet, a programmer who created a program, a website designer and even a copywriter, who wrote a small publication to order, became the owners of authorship.
All of these creative works are copyrighted and protected by copyright law. Even slots in online casinos are protected by copyright. This makes them original and exciting for players.
Copyright is a branch of civil law that regulates the relations connected with the creation and subsequent exploitation of the achievements of science, literature and art. It protects a specific material result of creative activity: a book, a photograph, a cartoon, a text, etc.
There are several types of copyrights.
Personal non-property rights. Owned forever, they cannot be taken away or sold, cannot be valued in monetary terms. These rights are considered the most significant to the creator.
Exclusive (proprietary). Can be transferred to other persons. Proprietary rights allow the copyright holder to sell the work for monetary gain.
Other rights are an intermediate option between personal and exclusive, they are resorted to in rare cases.
IMPORTANT: You do not need to register anything specifically to be considered an author. It is enough that the original work has been created by your creative work.
What can be protected by copyright
The copyright holder can dispose of the result of his creativity without restrictions, with some exceptions. The creator of any original work recorded on a tangible medium automatically gets the copyright to it. This can be a wide variety of types of content.
-Audiovisual works: movies, TV shows, online videos.
-Musical works and audio recordings.
-Written works: sheet music, books, lectures, articles.
-Fine art achievements: posters, paintings, advertisements.
-Software and video games.
-Dramatic works: plays and musicals.
-How to prevent others from using your content
Lawyers believe that protecting your content from plagiarism on the Internet is almost impossible. In fact, it’s a fight against windmills. There is a joke that the only way to avoid theft is not to post your intellectual property online.
Theft occurs on different scales: someone can “borrow” a photo, a picture, or an article. There are scammers who steal entire blogs and even websites. It is necessary to fight with such intruders, and the law is entirely on the side of the author in this case. The author’s consent is necessary to use the content. Lack of permission to copy means a violation of the law, the thief must be punished.
In order to protect yourself if necessary, you should indicate on your sites that the content is protected by copyright, the use of content is allowed only with the permission of the author.
A good way to indicate your right to publish is the copyright mark – copyright ©. It is usually located next to the name of the copyright holder.
Can I take legal action if somebody uses my work?
Many copyright holders accidentally find their content on someone else’s site. This means that the thief is cashing in on your content, stealing traffic with impunity, etc.
To avoid relying on chance, original content owners are better off checking periodically to see if the theft has occurred? You can do this on popular anti-plagiarism services, such as Advego,, etc.
If the theft is detected, you should file a complaint with the court. In court, you will have to prove that the content is your intellectual property. Therefore, it is better to fix the authorship right away, for example, to certify with a notary.
Any creative achievement that has become an object of copyright needs to be protected. You should not be afraid to go to court. If violators know that punishment is inevitable, the number of violations will go down.